How to become more creative even without any artistic skills
Can you become a more creative person when your imagination is dead or you have no artistic skills? Turns out, it’s possible.
With an open mind, will, patience, focus, and consistent practice hopefully followed by a growing passion for a specific subject, you can become a more creative person or reawaken your creative mind.
I was able to discover a whole new creative side of me even after believing my entire adult life that I had zero creativity or artistic skills, and more recently, imagination left in me.
If you feel the same way, then there might be some things you can do to become a more creative person.

What is creativity?
Defining creativity
Creativity is defined as the ability to produce or use original or unusual ideas to make something new (source: Cambridge Dictionary).
The difference between creativity and imagination
There is a difference between creativity and imagination in the sense that, this ability to create something new and solve problems, i.e., creativity, relies on imagination. And imagination is the conscious representation of what is not immediately present to the senses (source: University of Pennsylvania).
This means you cannot be creative if you have no imagination; imagination precedes creativity.
Is there a difference between creativity and artistic talent?
Being creative is not the same as having artistic talent, although there is a link between the two.
According to Idea Sandbox, creative ability is the skill and talent to use your imagination to create and solve problems whereas artistic ability includes skill and talent to create fine works of art: painting, drawing, sculpting, etc.
This means you can be creative and not be an artist.
On a side note, the definitions of what it means to be creative and what it means to be artistic can be highly subjective (source: Inc.).
Um, okay…. So what?
The way I see it, imagination has to do with what you can envision in your head; creativity is in the execution in the “actual” world, and art is something creative that ends up being either pleasurable to the senses and/or that conveys an emotion.
These nuances weren’t necessarily at the forefront of my mind when I first started wondering if a person could become more creative.
And, btw, this post is not about imagination per se. I’ve written on this topic in another post (coming soon).
However, what first started as a quest to reawaken my imagination, then lead to attempts at making myself more creative, which then lead me to explore more artistic endeavors and eventually discover that I had some (very modest, but still present) levels of artistic abilities.
Therefore, although this article is about creativity, I will also talk about “imagination” and “art”. Just know that they are not necessarily the same.
Why creativity matters?
Creative individuals are remarkable for their ability to adapt to almost any situation and to make do with whatever is at hand to reach their goals.
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Creativity matters a whole lot when you want to change your life or if, like me, you struggle(d) with depression or even self-care.
Well, I had become highly dissatisfied with my life and I had an instinct that I wanted things to change. The problem was that it had become nearly impossible for me to envision my life being any other way because I had zero imagination left in me.
If creativity has to do with the ability to create and solve problems using your imagination, well, I was incapable of doing one or the other: I couldn’t solve my problems, and I was unable to imagine, and therefore create, a different life.
I was living in the tiniest box: my life was small because everything was small in my head.
There weren’t millions of possibilities: there were none. Just a tiny box, and me in it. Miserable but with no way out.
But the truth is, not only does it take creativity to figure out all the different ways you can take care of yourself. But also, artistic and creative endeavors can, in a way, be an opportunity for you to practice self-care.
Related posts:
- Pillars of self-care for when you’ve been neglecting yourself.
- Self-care through art: 4 Easy and artistic tutorials to soothe your mind
- Mental health art project and how to make Christmas cards with fall and winter leaves
Signs you might be a creative person but you don’t know it
As soon as I stopped telling myself that “I was not a creative person” and instead 1) started looking for ways to let my creativity express itself freely, and 2) accepted myself with all my complexity and contradictions, something magical happened.
I started to flourish.
One thing seems to define creative people in scientific literature: their complexity. I’ll present two models below.
So, if you constantly feel out of place or confused because things are complex and contradictory in your mind, well, good news. First of all, you are not “abnormal” and secondly, you might be a creative soul that just needs to find ways to let your creative impulses express themselves.
The creative mind and creative personalities
According to psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (best know for his Theory of Flow and his extensive research on the topics of happiness and creativity), what makes creative individuals’ personalities different from others, is their complexity. Creative people have a messy mind where contradictory extremes are in constant tension (source: Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi).
Super-factors of personality that predict creativity
According to Fürst, Ghisletta, and Lubart (2016), there are 3 high-order personality factors that predict 1) Generation or idea production and originality and 2) Selection or idea evaluation and formalization (two broad categories of processes that work in cooperation to lead to creative ideas).
These 3 “super-factors” of personality that predict creativity are: Plasticity, Divergence and Convergence.
These conflicting personality traits differ in importance depending on the stage of the creative process (source: Scientific American).
The 10 antithetical personality traits of creative people
Another example is the 10 contradictory traits often present in creative people according to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (1996) (source: Psychology Today).
- Creative people have a great deal of physical energy but they are also often quiet and at rest. One manifestation of this energy is sexuality but there is a paradox there as well with a constant tension between a strong dose of libidinal energy and spartan celibacy.
- Creative people tend to be smart yet naïve at the same time.
- Most creative people combine playfulness and discipline, or responsibility and irresponsibility.
- They alternate between imagination/fantasy and a deep-rooted sense of reality.
- Creative people tend to be both extroverted and introverted simultaneously.
- They are also both humble and proud.
- To some extent, creative people escape rigid gender role stereotyping, i.e., they are both “masculine” and “feminine”.
- Creative people are both rebellious and conservative.
- Most creative people are passionate about their work while being extremely objective/detached about it as well.
- Creative people show a high degree of openness and sensitivity that exposes them to both pain but also a great deal of enjoyment.
All humans are creative… Really?
While doing some research for this article, I came across this recurring idea that “all humans are creative”.
I do wonder though: if that was the case, shouldn’t we all exhibit the personality traits mentionned above? In that case, they would no longer be the personality traits of creative people; they would be the personality traits of all people.
Unless of course creativity, just like most things in life, is on a spectrum? In which case, some people would be “more creative” than others?
Also, if being creative has to do with one’s ability to solve problems… I can’t help but think that there are lots of people who don’t seem to care about solving problems at all! Whether it’s their problems or anybody else’s, they just don’t want to.
So, let’s say for example that all humans have the potential to be strong(er): does that mean that all humans are strong? Sounds to me like a weird statement.
Isn’t it the same regarding creativity? Just because all humans have (maybe) the potential to be more creative than they currently are, does not necessarily mean that all humans are creative.
Let me know what you think ????
What could be stifling your creativity?
Many external or internal elements could be stifling your creativity or might have caused you to slowly “lose” your creative abilities.
In my case, the barriers to my creativity were a loss of imagination, over a decade of severe depression, a rigid and very old school education, limiting beliefs, lack of opportunities or models (to some extent), addiction, and, I’m assuming, chronic illness/chronic inflammation (I’ll get into that last one some other day).
Disclaimer: I only share my personal experience here regarding my own mental (and physical) health journey. The information contained on this blog is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Do yourself (and everyone else around you) a favor and please consult your doctor or other medical experts regarding your health. Thank you!
All these things probably crippled my creativity but ultimately, I had become the main barrier and I was the one now stopping myself from being creative by fear of taking risks, of making mistakes, of drawing outside the lines, of being judged, but also impostor syndrome, performance anxiety, etc.
I was the one consistently killing my creative impulses.
Because the truth is, it does take some level of self-confidence or trust in one’s abilities to be able to produce something new and push it out into the world.
Creativity is scary because it also implies taking action.
To be creative means that you must be willing to take action on things that exist solely in your mind and make them exist in “the real world”, aka risk making a fool of yourself, but also make mistakes, learn, adapt, and keep perfecting your creation, all in the public eye.
Being creative, in a way, means being vulnerable and that’s never an easy thing to do.
Can you teach yourself to become more creative?
So, as it turns out, you can make yourself more creative, or at the very least, regain your “lost” creativity.
As I mentioned previously, I’m not sure that “all humans are creative”, but I do think that you can learn to be more creative or get some of your creativity back, especially if you think that it has diminished or “died” in the past years.
Well, obviously, I can’t talk for everyone, but I did.
And bear in mind that I had little support and limited resources, so don’t think that I am an exceptional case. If I was able to make myself more creative, then maybe you can too.
Ultimately, creativity is like a muscle. What it takes to build a muscle is practice: dedication, patience, focus, and the willingness to try/fail/learn/adapt/try again.
If you have the will, curiosity, and grit necessary, then you might be able to teach yourself how to be more creative.
How can you become more creative?
When I first started exploring ways to increase my creativity, it inevitably brought me back to the fact that I (thought I) had zero artistic skills.
As discussed at the beginning of this article, art is one way our creativity expresses itself and this is why I will talk about art in this next section.
So, at the time, I started wondering: could I be creative if I had no artistic skills? Why didn’t I have artistic skills? Was it because of a lack of interest? Was it a personality thing? A talent thing? A lack of adequate teachers? Could I learn to become “more artistic” and make myself more creative? Even at 30 years old?
One thing leading to another, I slowly began to find answers, and here are 15 things I did to teach myself how to be more creative.
1. Adopt a growth mindset
This wasn’t a conscious decision but rather a subtle change that had started happening in me a couple of months before my “creative journey”.
I had decided that I was going to do whatever it takes to change myself because I was miserable and I could no longer continue with my life the way it was.
Things didn’t look like they would change on their own and they hadn’t changed in over a decade. So I figured: either I wait (maybe forever) for my external circumstances to change… or I change, and grow, and become better.
I guess, unconsciously I began to adopt an “if-I-can’t-do-it-I’ll-learn-it-and-there-is-no-other-acceptable-option” type of mentality.
However, instead of focusing all that energy on places where I was not valued, like my job or (romantic) relationship, I focused it on things that would improve my mental and physical wellbeing, like my creative abilities, for example.
2. Make an assessment of all the things that are crippling your creativity and step away from those things
I’ve already talked about this in the section above entitled “What could be stifling your creativity?”.
I recommend you do the same assessment for yourself. However, the point of this exercise is not to cast blame on external (or even internal) factors. The point is to try to identify as objectively as possible the things that are problematic so you can act on them/solve them/remove them.
There is no point in recognizing that something is a problem if you are just going to maintain the situation as it is.
Related article: This is why your life will never change.
Don’t stay stuck in the “acknowledgment phase”.
Face. Embrace. Erase. And keep moving.
3. There are creative opportunities in a lot of things you are already doing. Find them.
You have opportunities to be creative 100 times a day but you may not even notice them anymore.
Start paying attention to what is already in front of you, identify these opportunities, and stop doing things as you’ve always done them:
- Rearrange your furniture and try and make your apartment look different;
- Play around with patterns or colors when selecting a new pair of curtains, or even when buying flowers;
- Try and create a different hairstyle every week instead of going for the same ponytail 24/7;
- Mix and match different outfits;
- Take a different route to work;
… You get the point.
4. Art/creativity is not (only) about (innate) talent. It’s also a skill
A skill, meaning it is “a learned power of doing something competently: a developed aptitude or ability” (source: Merriam-Webster).
This means you can learn it. And in order to learn it, you must study, observe, take notes, practice, get feedback, and be persistent.
This also implies that there is almost zero chance of you becoming more creative or artistic simply by sitting on your ass. You’ll kinda have to sweat for it.
Related article: 4 easy creative exercises for the non-creative.
5. Find inspiration outside of your comfort zone or areas of interest
If you think your creativity is dead, you might also feel uninspired or jaded by a lot of things right now.
Don’t let that stop you from exploring and trying out stuff, especially things you think are not your cup of tea or think you are not good at.
Step outside of your comfort zone, and give it enough time to move past the discomfort phase.
This means, explore (and try out) all mediums and topics you can think of. Then pick one (1) to three (3), and stick to them for at least 4-6 months.
6. Let go of judgment
And by this, I mean judging yourself and judging everything and everyone around you.
Judgment (fear, actually) is what stops you from opening yourself up to new things (knowledge, experiences, people, activities, tastes, sounds…).
It is possible to observe and acknowledge what surrounds you without judging it, you know. You might even become a bit more curious.
As mentionned previously, creativity is about solving problems and making something new using original or unusual ideas.
But your judgment keeps you from doing that; it keeps your perspective narrow by making you stick to what you know, what you like, what is familiar. Safe.
However, if you expand the breadth of your experiences and develop an interest in different fields, it eventually improves your lateral thinking skills as well as your ability to think outside the box, thus helping you solve problems originally.
Commit to letting go of your opinions and preconceived ideas about certain topics or activities and open yourself up.
7. Explore first; then learn the rules; then break them
The best combination I found for me was this:
First, start by playing around with your new “topic” of choice for a few days without bogging down your mind with theory, rules, guidelines, etc.
So, if, for example, you decide to try watercolor painting, take a set of watercolors, some paper, a brush, and just start painting. Observe, notice how the paint behaves, allow your mind to be surprised.
Stay in your blissful ignorance for a little while and simply notice how this new activity is making you feel.
Learn the rules:
The next step is to learn the rules.
You will not have much fun with watercolors if you keep painting on “everyday paper” (you know, the kind that goes in printers?).
You will quickly realize that it takes the right kind of paper to paint using watercolors. By then it will be time to learn the rules: paper content and quality, types of paint brushes, painting techniques (wet on wet, wet on dry, etc.).
The same goes for cooking, sewing, writing, dancing, etc.
Only once you know the basic techniques can you make optimal use of the medium you are employing.
Break the rules:
That’s where I think I was getting stuck in the past.
I never allowed myself to break rules and simply explore. You know, allow my mind, creativity, imagination to just roam freely and see where things go. I was stuck in the Rules part, and never went down phases 1 and 3.
But it seems to me that you are truly creative only once you allow yourself to express whatever it is you are trying to express. Yes, you do this by using a specific language (i.e., following the rules of your medium of choice/execution), but it also implies using that language to express your own thoughts (i.e. self-expression/creativity).
I think this video does a good job illustrating what I’m trying to say.
Jay lee is obviously a very knowledgeable artist who knows the techniques, but she uses absolutely everything and anything in her paintings and the result is always incredible.
8. It’s about self-expression
If creativity refers to the ability to produce unusual ideas to make something, it kinda feels like that “something” you “make”, is the human equivalent of “growing your own fruit” (in a tree analogy).
I find that being creative in some way, and as mentioned in the previous paragraph, has to do with expressing your true self.
Related posts:
Self-care through art: 4 Easy tutorials to soothe your mind
Mental health art project or How to make Christmas cards out of fall and winter leaves?
9. It’s about radical honesty
Do you know how you can finally express your true self? When you finally start being honest with yourself first, and then with others, no matter what.
It’s about radical honesty.
Stop lying to yourself and pretending you are not feeling the things you feel. This is what stifles your creativity.
I was never creative because I was never myself. I didn’t know what or who “myself” was because I was busy always trying to be “perfect”, or being the person I thought other people wanted me to be.
(That is such a destructive way of living your life, btw).
Once I committed to being radically honest with myself (I’m still working on being radically honest with other people), everything changed.
And I finally began to hear my voice! (Yes, you can actually hear it).
Then I started experimenting with different ways of expressing what that voice was saying and slowly, my creativity came back.
10. Give it time
Change does not happen overnight.
If you want to learn to be a more creative person, it will take a few months of consistent efforts before you see any results, so do not give up too soon.
11. About your internal dialog and allowing yourself to solve problems
This is also linked to the idea of self-expression but we’ll talk here about the “mean voice” in your head.
You are one of the main reasons why you are not creative. After all, you are the one not allowing yourself to be creative and come up with ideas because you shoot them down the second these ideas emerge.
Do you tell yourself that you are stupid, lazy, not smart enough, not good enough, not creative enough, that your ideas are dumb, and that no one will ever be interested in what you have to say…?
Ok well, now it’s time to tell that voice to shut the f*ck up and start learning how to replace those negative thoughts with more positive ones.
One way of doing that could be by using a mix of Cognitive-behavioral Therapy techniques and positive affirmations.
Related articles:
- Affirmations for depression: how to do them right and what to expect?
- 18 powerful affirmations for different areas of life
12. Try to make even the smallest thing (more) beautiful
When trying to become a more creative person, you might want to start small.
I started by finding ways to make even the most mundane things look nice(r). I:
- Made a board and a collage for the white and empty wall above my desk;
- Created a cozy little reading nook (in a corner that had been unused for 3 years);
- I even looked for ways to make my daily bowl of plain oatmeal look more colorful.
By doing this, I slowly started noticing colors, textures, how they interacted or complemented each other, and slowly, very slowly, I started getting new ideas.
I started thinking of new combinations, new things to try, new projects… and the pool of creative possibilities started to get bigger.
13. Cooking is a great place to start
Cooking is a great place to start practicing your creative skills, especially if you think you have no specific talent or artistic skills.
First of all, regardless if you like to cook or not, unless you have someone who prepares your meals for you or you can afford to eat out every day (which I don’t recommend), then you will need to learn how to cook for yourself.
So might as well start learning.
But most importantly, cooking is a fantastic opportunity for self-care, gratitude, appreciation, and it’s a feast for the senses.
When you learn how to cook, you can be creative in so many ways! You can play around and explore colors, textures, tastes, and there are about a gazillion possible combinations.
The sky truly is the limit.
Yes, it might taste like shit in the beginning, but if you keep experimenting, you will get better.
Related article: Are you depressed? You might want to learn how to cook.
14. Leave your mind alone, but when inspiration hits, ACT on it
Do you know what kills your creativity?
Not acting on your creative impulses.
Inspiration, defined as a sudden brilliant, creative, or timely idea, comes at all times (night or day), and in all kinds of places (in the shower, bed, while you’re eating, or stretching).
But in my experience, it also comes when my mind is at rest, and by this I mean when I’m not consuming information (like watching TV for example).
The point is, no matter when creativity hits, you have to stop doing what you’re doing (if possible) and take two minutes to take notes on your new idea, record a voice memo, make a quick sketch, or whatever appropriate action you need to take to grab the passing idea.
I do think creativity is also a habit (vs only the result of sudden “inspiration”), and I will talk about this more in the Creativity habits section. But you must also learn to act on your creative sparks when they happen.
15. Find your teachers
One thing I realize may have blocked my creativity, is rigid, classical/old-school/stick-up-your-ass teachers. You know, the kind that doesn’t let you draw outside the lines or you regret it for the rest of your life?
That kind.
So anyway, I (finally) learned that there are people who make me feel like I can learn anything, and those who make me not even want to try.
Now I try to only learn from the former.
If you want to be more creative, pick a topic (design, drawing, web creation, sewing, painting, cooking, business innovation, poetry) and find the right teachers for you.
And if you can’t find them, then become your ideal teacher and teach yourself. Yes, it is possible.
16. Work with less, i.e., keep it simple
Necessity is the mother of invention.
Don’t fall into the trap of: “I can’t be creative, because I need X, Y, or Z first”.
Want to try your hands at sewing? Don’t go and buy a $ 200 sewing machine.
Instead, pick up an old t-shirt, a pair of scissors, thread, a needle and ask someone to teach you the basics, or go watch a sewing tutorial on YouTube or Skillshare.
And sew.
If you absolutely must buy material in the beginning, then start with the bare minimum. You can also look for second-hand supplies and upgrade later, but just don’t go and buy a full set of fancy equipment when you are just starting.
The more stuff you buy in the beginning, the more you risk getting overwhelmed or feeling guilty (if you don’t use them), and the higher the risk of you giving up.
Just start and see how you get by with what you have; that will put your creativity to work.
17. Create the setup
Let’s say you decide to explore your creativity through writing, or cooking, or painting.
Do you know what could help you to write more freely? A notebook on hand and dedicated solely to your writing, good pencils with a lead grade you feel comfortable with, and a clean table/writing area devoid of clutter and distractions.
If you want to cook more, keep fresh produce in your fridge and a handful of spices at home; you want to paint more? Keep a large enough space/table, clutter-free with clean, ready-to-use brushes, etc.
You get the idea.
Having to declutter or clean every time you have an impulse to do something creative will inevitably slow you down or discourage you.
Set yourself up for success and remove obstacles in advance.
18. Learn to let go of the outcome
Journey before destination
Brandon Sanderson
Sometimes, we are so fixated on the end goal that we lose sight of what is right in front of us, and it stifles our creativity.
I once tried to create handmade Christmas cards because 1) I wanted to do something kind for other people and 2) I wanted to try my hands at making something “creative”.
At first, it was fun, but then I slowly began worrying about each card, trying to anticipate if the recipient would like it, what they would think of it, what colors they would prefer, what message would be more suited for them… them them them!
The process of making those cards became very, very painful. I was no longer having fun. I was worrying, and I almost gave up.
The next day, I decided to just make what I thought would look nice (or not), and the hell with the rest!
Well, that day, I spent 7 hours almost in a trance, making card after card despite my arthritis and the pain in my wrists. I was enjoying the process so much, nothing else mattered.
I was experiencing a state of flow (see next point).
19. Let go of perfectionism, seriously
According to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the secret to happiness is flow, with “flow” being:
“a state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter; the experience is so enjoyable that people will continue to do it even at great cost, for the sheer sake of doing it” (source: Positive Psychology).
Well, anxiety and self-criticism are conditions that disrupt this flow state (source: Positive Psychology).
Perfection does not exist. And the fear of not wanting to make mistakes is what is stopping you from being creative.
It’s crippling.
Just. Stop.
Things are not meant to be “perfect”. The way it works is:
- You do things;
- They will be perfectly imperfect;
- Then you learn from your experience;
- You adjust;
- You start over;
- And you keep doing that in an infinite loop.
That’s how it goes.
Btw, I say that… but I still struggle with it.
20. Create something awful
I’m not kidding. It’s liberating and it gets you started.
Challenge yourself to create something awful. Whether it’s an awful meal, a bad drawing, an ugly birthday card, etc.
Once you remove the pressure, you become more daring and it liberates your creativity.
21. Have fun
Ahh, “fun”; another thing I had forgotten how to do.
I may dive deeper into this topic later, but for now let’s just say that one thing that instantly kills my creative juices is when I put too much pressure on myself, focus too much on the outcome and perfection, and forget to enjoy the process and just have fun.
I have a screensaver on my phone that reads: “Remember, this is supposed to be fun”, and it acts as a constant reminder.
If you are not having fun, then take a step back and re-evaluate/assess your reasons for doing that thing you are doing, adjust, and then go back.
22. Start
Do you know how you become more creative? By taking the first step.
Sometimes, we make things so big and complicated in our head, we get scared and then give up before even starting.
One of the things I had to learn in order to become more creative was to get in the habit of simply starting.
It’s actually harder to start a new task than it is to continue doing one.
But you simply have to train yourself to take that first step, draw that first line, write the first word, peel that first vegetable….
Related article: Starting rituals for goal achievement.
23. Challenge yourself and build momentum
Creativity is not easy. It takes effort; effort to come out of your comfort zone.
I had to create small, “14-day consistency challenges” to make myself do creative stuff consistently and train my creative muscles.
In one instance, I wanted to write more.
I am by no means a talented “writer”. But there was a little voice inside of me that kept telling me she wanted to write, and it was a “creative activity”, so… I decided to go for it.
Do you think it was easy?
Do you imagine I waited to magically become a “good” writer to start writing, or do you think I had to start writing to become a better writer?
I will let you guess the right answer.
Now, the problem is, of course, I never feel like writing and I usually don’t want to write because I think I suck at it.
Do you know what made me feel like I wanted to write more?
Making myself write every day.
What’s my point?
Creativity is like a muscle: you can either wait to be stronger to start lifting weights (which means it will never happen), or you can start lifting weights to build the muscles you want.
You become more creative by being more creative. And you do that by challenging yourself every day, by doing hard stuff that you don’t necessarily want to do but that make you progress and build momentum.
Creativity habits for sustaining your creative mind
The consistency challenge
I’ve already mentioned this in the previous paragraph, so I will be brief, but I honestly think a pillar of creativity is consistent practice.
You are human and, as Jordan Peterson points out, “useless and horrible”, so of course you will never feel like doing the things you should.
Related article: How do you make yourself do the things you don’t want to do but know you should do.
The key is to not wait to feel like it to do it, just like Stephen King (and other prolific writers) who writes consistently every day no matter what.
Challenge yourself to build consistency and gain momentum. That’s how you’ll train your creativity and become more creative.
Share your creativity
Remember when I said that being creative was hard because it meant taking action and risk making a fool of yourself by putting pieces of yourself out there in the real world?
Well, it’s time to put yourself out there in the real world.
One of the ways I did that was by creating this blog and forcing myself to write consistently and put my “writings” (ouh! sounds so fancy) out in the world.
God, it’s scary.
But lemme tell ya, forcing yourself to do this consistently builds up your creative muscle like you wouldn’t believe.
Other advantages of sharing your creations include:
- It builds accountability and forces you to keep going;
- Allows you to find your “tribe”. Putting yourself out there and expressing your voice creates new opportunities for your “creations” to resonate with other like-minded individuals, eventually resulting in new connections and interesting exchanges.
- You might even touch and/or inspire other people, and that is good for your soul (and theirs).
Never stop exploring/learning
Again, that’s just my opinion but I now firmly believe that your comfort zone is the enemy of creativity.
I became more creative once I stopped being comfortable (I refer you back to my previous point about Letting go of judgment).
Quotes and other words of wisdom on creativity
Finally, I would like to leave you with some “words of wisdom” from smarter (more creative) people.
Your mindset is probably one of the best predictors of whether or not you will succeed in achieving something new or difficult so, if you don’t believe you can learn and progress, then you probably won’t.
Creativity is no exception to this rule.
For this reason, motivational quotes, affirmations, or mantras were a very important part of my “transformational journey”, especially in the beginning, when your mindset is not quite “right”.
The following quotes inspired and helped me discover my creativity and motivated me to act on my imagination, solve (my) problems consistently and keep creating.
Do you think you are not creative? How is it impacting your life?