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  1. This sounds very promising. Some of your symptoms, prior to the Wahls Protocol, sounds like they may have been parasite related. The diet may have forced them to evacuate your body.

  2. Hi ! thank you for sharing your experience. I am currently trying the Whals protocol and I also burn fats very very easily. Same symptoms as you. I was worried to start loosing more weight by cutting grains etc. But the thing is, now that I follow this diet, I am not hungry anymore… I am even worried because I used to be a person who needed to eat all of the time. Today I ate chicken and cabbage, a bit of dark chocolate, a hazelnut milk and blueberry smoothie. It is dinner time and I don’t feel hungry at all even though I walked for an hour and have Multiple Sclerosis…. Do you think I should be worried ? I have to say when I eat my plates are probably wayyy too packed with food. I think I am so scared of loosing weight I am eating too much perhaps ? I don’t know what to do ^^

    1. Hi V., thank you for leaving a comment. I am definitely not the right person to answer your questions, unfortunately. I will say though, when I began the Wahls diet, I was so scared of not eating enough and not getting enough nutrient, I would PACK my plate with food, just like you. I was eating a lot. Too much. But somehow it’s only when someone pointed it out, that I finally realized I was, in fact, eating too much. Now I don’t need as much food as I used to (pre Wahls diet), but it took a long time and a lot of testing and adjusting to find the right balance. (Still adjusting, btw). What you’re going through is not easy but I wish you the best with everything!

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