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  1. Thank you for writing this. I’m having my very first colonoscopy tomorrow afternoon. I was feeling very anxious and scared. You have helped me to calm down.

    1. Hi Melissa! Thank you so much for your kind words 🙂 I’m gad I could be of help. Good luck for tomorrow. Stay hydrated, calm and positive. It will all be over soon.

  2. Oh wow I am going in tomorrow and came across your post. Thank you for all the information it is truly appreciated and comforting. Onward to better gut health.

    1. It truly is my pleasure 🙂 I’m so glad you found it then. Wish you the best of luck for tomorrow. It will be over soon.
      Hang in there!

  3. I’m also gearing up for my first colonoscopy, having had a mother who talked a lot about how painful it was for her (many years ago). It sounds as if things have greatly improved, and I love all your advice….especially having a nice healthy meal to come home to, and camping out in the bathroom with fun things to do and watch. I’m sure now I’ll be fine, and I’ll be re-reading what you wrote several times before I go in. Thanks so much for demystifying the preparation process.

    1. Thank you Nicky! Your message brought me so much joy! It truly makes me happy to know it has eased your fears, even just a little bit, and that you found useful tips here and there. I know each person’s experience is different, so I hope all will go well for you. Good luck!

  4. Elle,
    Thank you for your information. I’m getting my first Wednesday & I’m prepared, thanks to you!
    I’ll review your article a couple more times before I go in.
    Thanks again!

    1. Hi Trisha,

      It’s today!! Good luck for the procedure. Hope you feel calm, at peace and ready.
      Thank you for your nice comment 🖤

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