Mindset, Self-Mastery

Think you have nothing to be grateful for? Read this

Do you have trouble finding things to be grateful for when life is hard? Sometimes things can be so hard for us, or we get so caught up in our “problems”, that we don’t see how blessed we are, or we “forget” all the amazing opportunities we have to feel gratitude every day. Sometimes, especially in western countries, we focus…

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depression without medication
Healthy Habits, Personal Transformation, Self-Mastery

26 habits that helped me overcome depression without medication

After spending over a decade struggling with physical and mental health issues, I finally understood I had a problem: severe depression, along with many other health problems actually, and I needed help urgently. That was in 2019. Up until that point, I guess I thought I was just ‘made that way’: miserable, unbearably sensitive and always oh so sad. The…

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